Monday, June 15, 2009

Optimal Health

Whatever we do to ourselves till the age of 35 will be visible after that.
How often we ignore to take care of our health, I used to do that quite often. So busy in office that I do not get any time at all to do anything else. But, then I relaised what if left if health is not there. It has rightly been said that Health is Wealth. So, need is to take conscious steps each day towards optimal health. I started doing this by learning about optimal health and practicing it. The idea of blogging came to me so that I can also share my this activity with all so that all busy people can also learn something about health and practice the same. This first entry to blog , I will close by defining what is optimal health.

The optimal health is defined as a combination of four things : Exercise, Attitude , Rest and Nutrition. Exercise is must to keep the good activity level of each part of body , as any static thing starts decaying , same is true with our bodies as well, we become lazy, lethargic if we are not having proper exercise schedule .

Attitude is important to keep our good mental health. Positive mental attitude is the key, it acts as a catalyst in your goal of optimal health

Rest is an essential pillar of optimal health as this is the time when physical body nourishes everything and prepares body for another day.

Last, and the most important component of optimal health, I discovered is the Nutrition. It is said that we are what we eat. This led me to my memories when in school we were taught about the balanced diet, but to dismay never found that being practiced. We eat so many fried foods, junk foods like chips, cold drinks, These items basically have no nutrition value. Then to all , maggi, this is the favorite of every bachelor. I started hating maggi, when I left it for an hour and it turned into such a shit. ZERO nutritional value with Maggi, then there are Kurkure, another snack popular in India, to sell it corporate has even started to advertise that it has wheat/corn etc, but can we believe these ads where promoters, kareena etc are being paid so heavily for this. I can't believe that Kareena eats Kurkure ..her health consultant will never let her eat that :)
This is the area, I found most often neglected and most difficult to work upon as we are so much tempted to go for zero nutrition food.

So, I will be praticing these four pillars of optimal health consciously on a daily basis and be more wealthy as 'Health is Wealth'