Thursday, December 15, 2011

Innocent Kids vs Devil strategies

My son is 3 years and 5 months old. As he is growing, his taste buds are getting developed and his mind is flooded with lot of information about foods he see, when he watches his favorite cartoon shows. Earlier I thought tat he would like what we eat at home and we can decide on healthy food/diet for him. But surprisingly, he is having his own demands of food like Yippee noodles, Maggi, Pazzta, Superroni etc.

And the devil to this is the advertisements which are broadcasted in between cartoon shows. These advertisements have flooded my little one's mind with so much of junk food items that we can not avoid these items 100%. In nutshell, these advertisements have proven to be devilish for my little son's mind. My little son is not aware on what is healthy and nutritious to eat , but this junk box have corrupted his mind and now work needs to be done to fight with this devil strategy.
God, please save these innocent kids from devilish strategies of corrupting young minds..

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Tread Mill or Walk - 15 minutes a day

I used to be very confused that whether to go for a walk or go to gym for 15 minutes on a treadmill. Mostly, I used to choose walk. I think that was because of more comfort with excuse of enjoying good weather. For last few days, I was missing to go for walk also due to so hot and humid weather. Yesterday, I choosed to go to gym in evening and after that I felt Wow !

15 minutes on a treadmill gave me such a fresh wonderful feeling that I felt I have done great to my body and health, and I didn't get this feeling for so many days I have been going on walk. So, my conclusion is that walk is good, no doubt about it. But you should choose primary as gym and secondary as walk.....

Definitely one thing out of walk or treadmill is must to move towards goal of maintaning optimal health...